Episode Archive

Episode Archive

37 episodes of K&J since the first episode, which aired on December 20th, 2019.

  • 12: It’s All About Movies

    March 18th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  42 mins 46 secs
    film, movies

    There is no better time than during these challenging days to gather family and friends to watch a movie at home. And there is no better time to talk about movies than on this episode of the K & J show! Brian Swift, co-host of the Never a Dull Movie podcast joins us at the mics to talk everything movies. Topics include favorite movies, sequels, movie stars and movie series……And, in a Grexly first, four podcast hosts will be at the mics together at the same time as Kelsey from the Daughters podcast makes a surprise visit toward the end of the show. It’s going to be a very fun episode! So before you put that movie on, gather your family and friends around to listen in to this week’s show!

  • 11: Lent!

    March 11th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  29 mins 57 secs
    bishop robert reed, lent

    In this episode, K & J discuss the many ways our faith lives can be enriched by a good Lenten journey. Along with fasting, prayer, and almsgiving ,the two discuss other little things that might enhance your Lent. Bishop Robert Reed stops by the Grexly studios during this episode to lend some insight into the Lenten discussion!

  • 10: TV Shows: Then and Now

    March 4th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  39 mins 20 secs
    television, tv

    Did you have a favorite television show growing up? Perhaps it was I Love Lucy, Happy Days, or The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Or maybe it was Parks and Recreation or the many different versions of Law and Order. In this episode, Jay and Kevin take a fond trip down memory lane and revisit the shows they loved growing up along with some newer shows they now enjoy. They also discuss the state of television today and how it has changed over the years.

  • 9: Hobbies

    February 26th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  33 mins 34 secs

    Having hobbies can reduce stress, stimulate the mind, and create a positive flow in your life. In this episode, Kevin and Jay take a look at some of the hobbies they had growing up and some of the hobbies they have now. They share some funny stories related to their hobbies, including the much-anticipated revealing of Jay’s “frog story.” For that alone, this is a must-listen episode!

  • 8: Disagreement & Anger

    February 19th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  30 mins 30 secs
    anger, family tension

    Jay and Kevin tackle a question that seems to be on many people's minds these days; why is there so much anger in the world?! From social media rants to friends and families not speaking to each other, to the toxic political climate, it seems like anger is everywhere. Kevin and Jay discuss anger and possible ways to defuse this volatile environment. They also try to answer the age-old question; can you still be friends with people you don’t agree with?

  • 7: Sports Figures: Heroes, Celebrities or just Athletes?

    February 12th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  41 mins 41 secs
    professional athletes, sports

    Should professional athletes be held up as heroes? How have sports figures changed over the years? Who were some of your favorite athletes growing up?
    Has the celebrating in sports become too excessive? Jay and Kevin discuss all these questions and more on today's episode.

  • 6: Marriage

    February 5th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  24 mins 44 secs

    With over 48 years of marriage experience combined, Jay and Kevin talk about what they feel makes a good marriage. From the example of their parents to good communication to the give and take, Jay and Kevin discuss what has helped them sustain healthy marriages throughout the years. Listen in to hear if Kevin and Jay do a good job or end up in trouble with their spouses!

  • 5: Worrying about Your Children

    January 29th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  31 mins 4 secs
    kids, parenting

    No matter how old children may be, parents always seem to worry about them. Jay and Kevin talk about their own experiences worrying about their kids. Children driving on their own, making the right friends, being happy, and making the right choices are some of the topics that pop up during their discussion. Kevin and Jay also talk about memorable moments from their childhood. It’s a conversation that any parent can relate too!

  • 4: Kids in Sports

    January 22nd, 2020  |  Season 1  |  30 mins 43 secs
    coaching, parental involvement, sports

    How much is too much when it comes to parental involvement in their children’s sports activities? Kevin and Jay explore this question and discuss other issues related to kids and athletics. With several years of coaching between the two of them, Jay and Kevin talk about their experiences and the life lessons that can be learned by playing sports. They also discuss coaching techniques and share stories from their time as coaches.

  • 3: Things That Are No Longer Around

    January 15th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  42 mins 19 secs
    things no longer around

    Join Jay and Kevin as they take a step back in time and talk about the things many of us grew up with that are no longer around;
    like the payphone, the garbage pail, and TVs without remotes. That’s right, people used to have to get up off the coach to change the channel!
    Enjoy this trip down memory lane and let us know what other bygone things you had growing up!

  • 2: Jobs, pt. 2

    January 8th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  40 mins 25 secs

    Who knew they had this many jobs! Kevin and Jay pick up where they left off on their inaugural show and share more exploits from their various jobs over the years. There's more fun to be had as they look back on the road that eventually led them to CatholicTV!

  • 1: Jobs

    December 20th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  29 mins 59 secs

    On the inaugural episode Kevin and Jay look back at the many jobs they've had over the years prior to working at The CatholicTV Network.
    They begin with their childhood years and work their way up with many stories and exploits from their different employment opportunities. From dangerous lawnmowers to hot doughnuts, it’s a fun and interesting conversation that sets the tone for the K&J experience.